A Bank adrift. The Integrated Departamental Bank bankrupt and its impact on the local Banks, as seen in Ribera Bank in Villa Constitucion in Villa Constitucion in the 90’s

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Valeria Ré


The purpose of this article is to study the impact of the De la Ribera Ltd Corp Bank takeover by the Integrado Departamental bank in Villa Constitución city, Santa Fe province in 1995 and its subsequent bankruptcy the same year. The impact of the closure of a cooperative bank in the city, the consequences for its employees and savers, and the case validity today, are the questions addressed. The object of study is framed within the restructuring process of the Argentine financial system in the early '90s, and aims to contribute, on one hand, to national history from the region´s history and, on the other hand, to the region´s history from the economic history, with the purpose of broadening this unexplored field. In order to do this, the history of the cooperative movement and the Integrado Departmental Bank is described to contextualize and understand the context in which the case develops.


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How to Cite
Ré, V. (2014). A Bank adrift. The Integrated Departamental Bank bankrupt and its impact on the local Banks, as seen in Ribera Bank in Villa Constitucion in Villa Constitucion in the 90’s. Historia Regional, (32), 183-207. Retrieved from https://historiaregional.org/ojs/index.php/historiaregional/article/view/12
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Author Biography

Valeria Ré, Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3

Estudiante avanzada del Profesorado para la enseñanza del Tercer Ciclo EGB y Polimodal en Historia del Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3.


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